You would have never thought a relationship could last this long, right? And here you are, already a year into the "Big Love" between Monsieur Big and you.
Committed to you, the Monsieur Big waterproof mascara will truly never let you down. Whether you're shedding tears, rain or shine, its Waterproof version will stand by your side to face any challenge.
No matter what happens, your lashes will be up to 12 times thicker than natural and will last for at least 24 hours. Trust it blindly!
Lancôme, the French brand of happiness since 1935.
Monsieur Big - Mascara Waterproof-01 - WATERPROOF BIG IS THE NEW BLACK-01 - waterproof big is the new black
Monsieur Big Waterproof Mascara by LANCÔME.