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Birdie is a food supplements brand that specializes in beauty, slimming and well-being. Its products are cruelty-free and French-made, and contain everything you need to treat your body to a little helping hand day after day. Set up by Fleur Phelipeau and powered by her passion for dietary supplements, the brand offers a range of goodies designed to activate the beauty within while boosting wellness and health levels. Aimed at young, busy, active women looking to live life to the full, Birdie harnesses its unique expertise and flair for innovation to bring you supplements that release your inner drive and energy, paving the way for a fulfilled life with zero compromises. From haircare and suncare toskin protection, pick up everything you need from Birdie's supplement range.
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BIRDIE Hair drops

19,80 €

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Launched by Fleur Phelipeau, Birdie is a dietary supplement brand that sets out to boost your body and skin's balance and well-being. Designed for busy, active women, the company offers a wide selection of products to help you keep tiredness, dull skin, and lackluster hair at bay. Birdie's formulas are powerful blends of expertise, innovation, and a touch of whimsy, all of which combine to fun and fairly addictive effect. The brand's products are here to ensure you #UNLOCKYOURPOWER: giving the very best you have to offer by releasing your powers and energies into the universe. Birdie's founder had always been fascinated by dietary supplements, spurred on by an unshakeable belief in the idea that what we eat can activate our inner beauty while boosting general wellness and health. When paired with a balanced diet, Birdie's dietary supplements get to work in flooding your system with all the nutrients and vitamins you need to kick-start your body and help it achieve its best. Birdie has its heart set on creating quality products, which is why all of its supplements are made in France. Cruelty- and gluten-free by nature, the brand is passionate about developing clean, animal welfare-friendly and healthy formulas. Beautiful, well-protected skin, strong, glossy hair and sun protection through its yummy gummies: Birdie covers all bases with solutions to all your biggest concerns. Shop for Birdie food supplements to take your beauty routine to the next level!