Dare to shine, with impertinence! Dictate your own rules and reject conventions. Be proud to be a Mademoiselle with the new lipstick L'Absolu Mademoiselle Shine. Its balm formula enriched with Proxylane and rose oil glides on your lips and boosts your French appeal. Stand out with its shiny and luminous finish for an intense glow. Your lips are irresistible: soft, hydrated, and soothed day after day. The application is easy and effortless, the comfort absolute. Let yourself be seduced by its ultra-gourmet shades with a fruity fragrance. It's up to you to choose: which Mademoiselle are you?
L'Absolu Mademoiselle Shine-230 -230 - watch me shine
L'Absolu Mademoiselle Shine by LANCÔME.